Brands Hatch Summer Stage Rally - Marshals required

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Matt Endean
Joined: 2006-11-25T18:05:15
Brands Hatch Summer Stage Rally - Marshals required

Registration is open now for marshalling at the Summer Brands Hatch Stage Rally. See

Remember you MUST be registered to be able to marshal, as we need to post you the entry pass. You can NOT turn up to marshal on the day, regardless of experience.

Great weather (hopefully!), great rally cars, a great marshals goodie (best for years) and free access to one of the best stage rallies in the Sout East. Remember members of the public have to pay to get in......

Any questions post here, or email me on

Many thanks to those who have already registered :)


Matt Endean
Chief Marshal
Hutton Kitchens Brands Hatch Summer Stages