Looking for a navigator

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Joined: 2014-02-08T09:18:04
Looking for a navigator

Hi, I joined CMC last year and, thanks to Luis, had a spin as a navigator at the Targa at Whethersfield last spring. I am interested in competing in Targa and Road rallies as a driver - but need a navigator!!

So if anyone is looking to get into navigating i'm open to offers! I'm more than happy to take on a complete novice, i'll be learning as I go. I'm hoping that this year (if I can find a navigator) I will take part in the Targa events that CMC is putting on and also some 12-cars, and depending how well it goes/expensive it gets I may look to travel to take on some events in the Peak District in 2016...!

Feel free to drop me an email johnpsanderson (at) hotmail.com or give me a call on 07949 363 454 if you are interested.