Ford Puma Clutch Replacement

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royineson's picture
Joined: 2010-01-26T21:39:53
Ford Puma Clutch Replacement

Hi Everyone, Anybody out there ever fitted a clutch to a 1.7 Puma ?? If so how easy or not would it be for someone with reasonable mechanical knowledge and could it be done on a driveway as no access to a ramp, any hints, tips, does and don'ts would be much appreciated. Tried to find advise on line but to no avail and they dont make a Haynes manual for the Puma and putting it in the garage is a big no no as they reckon on £375 to £400 but currently unemployed so not a cat in hell's chance of that. Cheers Roy.

Matt Endean's picture
Matt Endean
Joined: 2006-11-25T18:05:15
Isn't the Puma, mechanically

Isn't the Puma, mechanically similar to the Mk3/4 Fiesta? Which I am sure there will be a Haynes book of lies for, try looking in one of these, which will detail how to do the job.

Joined: 2006-11-26T06:54:54

puma is a mk4 fiesta, look for the zetec se version (1.25 engine). also a forum called pumapeople used to be very good for advice

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