5/6 March

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Joined: 2006-11-25T17:39:51
5/6 March

Julie Skuse / Nick Skuse
Jon Bray / Jack Matthews
... are doing the FRESH motors 12 Car:

Jim Drake / Graham Robinson are doing the Boundless March 12 Car:

Shaun Weston / Jack Nottingham
Dale Crowsley
Gee Warner / Kevin Ablitt
... are doing the Bovington Stages:
Results: https://vola-publish.com/nicholls/race/bovington-stages-2022_20269.html

Michael Helm / Jim Bowie
/ David Peplow
... are doing the March Regularity Run:

Nick Skuse
John Peterson
Matt Endean
Suze Endean
... are doing the March Hare Testing Trial:

CSMA Mar 12 Car
Name In Class Overall
Jim Drake 5 5
Graham Robinson 5 5
Bovington Stages
Name In Class Overall
Shaun Weston DNF
Jack Nottingham DNF
Dale Crowsley DNF
Gee Warner DNF
Kevin Ablitt DNF
Mar Regularity Run
Name In Class Overall
Michael Helm 4 4
Jim Bowie 4 4
David Peplow 7 7
March Hare Testing Trial
Name In Class Overall
Matt Endean 3 99
Suze Endean 4 99
John Peterson 2 99
Nick Skuse 18 99
Joined: 2012-10-18T21:50:55
#BetterTogether at Coventry Transport Museum

Not a competition event but I think worth a mention...I met up with Laura Cooledge & family at Coventry Transport Museum on Saturday 5th March to see the Women in Motorsport exhibition. It includes a display panel about the #BetterTogether initiative which has been developed in our region, along with the playing of the #BetterTogether video clip on the wall every few minutes. Club member Suze Endean also features in a few different places.

It was a fantastic exhibition - lots of really interesting information and well laid out.

If anyone is visiting the area I'd highly recommend visiting - it took us a few hours to get round the whole museum though so allow plenty of time if you want to see the rest! (The Women in Motorsport exhibition is by the entrance, the first thing you come across).

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