Round Three

I was looking forward to this event since our roll on it last year and when the time came we only lasted about 4 miles !!THAT WORKS OUT AT ABOUT £200 PER MILE !!!! Down hill into a L3 I carried a bit to much speed, crossed the track and up on to the cambered grass bank the car rolled on to its side, jumped out and rolled her back on to the wheels, with no tow rope to pull the car back and sitting parrell to the track we hastily decided to roll the car back over on to its roof and on to the track and off we went again, but somthing was not right, a puncture and a lot of engine movement. Changed the puncture at the start of SS2 and off we went, passed Warren in his new BMW with a pug parked on his roof then passed the scottish crew who were hanging over a cliff, then lost all drive, broken engine mount and the
drive shaft popped out, end of play for us !!!!
Thanks to Craig and his chase crew for the help, (only had £20.00 in my pocket and stuck it into the big mans pocket for all his help, he quickly gave it back to me and said were all in the challenge together !!!
(That`s the 205 family for you) Thanks Moz at the start, Pat Flynn (who went down a very steep 60ft revine) who found a fence post to try move our engine over when trying to get the shaft back in and all the help we were offered at the college when our service crew decided to un-load our car and told us to find our own way back to London.
A big thanks to Shane for his patience, I`ll get you and the car to the end of a rally soon.
Now preparing a new pug for swansea bay, this time its a white car that may bring us better luck, LOL
