Cutting Back

tomw's picture

For those of you who are wondering why I haven't reported much lately it's because there has been nothing to report.

After blowing the C2 engine on the Pirelli, we couldn't get the parts in time to enter the Jim Clark. After this Jamie has decided due to personal reasons that he can't continue.

I too have been thinking and my plan was to hopefully have another successful season and then write this retirement blog in December after Rally GB. Unfortunately things don't always work out as planned. Rather than look for another ride this year I have decided to bring my retirement forward to persue other interests.

I'm not giving up completely I am just not going to enter a major championship as I intend to enter two or three rallies a year with friends (starting with the Woodbridge stages hopefully).

I wish to thank everyone at CMC who have supported me for the last five years, I've had a great time. I'll always be part of the club and will be happy to help the next person who wants to fill my rally boots (although they would need small feet)
