Round Four

Sorry for the delay in posting this report for round four.
I just could not be bothered to think about the rally let along do a write up and was on the brink of joining the Tom Ward cutting back crew.
Have now decided to get to the end of the season and review it then, we needed to score points at Swansea to stand any chance of not picking up the wooden spoon, but hey with only two events left this year, A Duth international event and sweet lamb we still have a chance of pulling ourselves back up the table.

With all the flood water covering most of the country it was going to be an adventure just getting to Swansea. I arrived at Paddington station ready to board the 12.00 train to Swansea, the car was due in Swansea at 4 pm so time was on my side, doh, the messages soon started bellowing from the PA system, ALL TRAINS ARE NOW CANCELLED LEAVING LONDON, So back onto the underground during rush hour and headed home, time for plan B. Checking the traffic conditions I saw that the M4 was down to one lane and the M5 had been closed I was in limbo!!. It all appeared to be out of my hands when 3D motor sport called at 4PM to say that they had not left there base near Silverstone due to the access road out of the farm was under 1.5 meters of water. At 10PM I received a call from 3D saying they had cleared the flood and were on there way to Swansea, ponderd for a few minutes then jumped in my car and started the long drive down to Swansea, 5 hours later I arrived in a Welsh version of Ibiza, half naked girls dancing in the streets and music pumping out of all the bars.
I booked into the travel lodge and got my head down, Up 4 hours later to meet the service crew and off the get the car checked through, Shane could not make this rally so I had the trusted Welsh wizard back in the head rocking seat, Tudor Jenkins. With the rally organisers giving the 205 challenge first slot on the road we were due of at the unusual early time of 9AM, so no time to spare we headed for the start ramp and only made it by 30 Seconds. The a 50 min road section up to SS1 was used trying and adjust to the new car, when we arrived at SS3 there was none of the usual waiting around and delays, helmets on and off we went. Umm something was not right, Tudor called 100 into a R6 (6 being fastest) we actually came to a hairpin left after 60 yards, Tudor was reading the wrong stage notes and when he found the correct place in the notes it was to late and we had lost the whole stage and loads of time (Who called Tudor a wizard ?). SS2 was cancelled so went straight to service. The new service crew were very professional and some small problems on the new car were sorted out. Headed of to SS3 knowing my luck had to change after so many problems on passed rounds, Doh, 2 miles into the stage the diff broke which then snapped a drive shaft, end of rally so headed home early spent 5 hrs contemplating whether to continue this disastrous new hobby of mine.