EAC Marshals needed

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tony burchnall
Joined: 2006-12-12T21:43:55
EAC Marshals needed

We are only about four weeks away from the East Anglian Classic on Saturday 20th June and will need an army of marshals to look after the tests. This year we are using just one site, Wethersfield. The tests will be similar to or even longer than are used for the Targa there, with cars running at 30 sec intervals too. It will be spectacular and frenetic.

We need about 70 people to look after the tests and will be running 16 watches at the same time, so need 16 people happy with clocks. These are 'Preston' sized numbers. The difference is that it won't be freezing cold or dark and you will be able to see something!

The entry is filling well and includes the best the country can offer in Historic Rallying, both cars and drivers. It is the only National Championship rally in East Anglia this year.

Whether you help regularly or are totally new to marshalling we really need you. If you are a competitor who would like to give a little back, this is your chance.

Please book the date now and register on the Marshalling Events section of this website. More information is on the EAC page and if you have any questions either post here or pm me.

Thanks in advance,

Tony B. ( Chief Marshal )

paulbrewerton's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T23:04:51
EAC Marshals

Can I just echo Tony's comments above, and also remind folks that this event is much closer to home than previous EACs. In fact it is easily accessible to our friends from south of the River! The start venue is half an hour from the Dartford Crossing, Wethersfield a little further..

Hope to see many of you on the day!

Paul (CoC)

tony burchnall
Joined: 2006-12-12T21:43:55
We still need EAC Marshals

We still need marshals for the EAC. Currently we are about 20 short of what would be ideal for the tests at Wethersfield and two crews short for the IRTC's on the road. There must be a couple of 12-car crews who would like to help with the road sections so can you please give us a hand?

Although the event is over a fortnight away we have to register everyone going to the test site by the 14th so that they can pass the security gate. Security here is tighter than any other site we use. If you are intending to come to Wethersfield please register now. You won't be able to get in if you leave it to the last week and that would be a disappointment to everyone.

Thanks in anticipation.


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