Weald MC 12 Cars 2016-17

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SuperUno's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T18:05:15
Weald MC 12 Cars 2016-17

Attached are the regs for the Weald MC 12 Cars which run south of the river. 

Chelmsford MC is a member of Weald MC which these event run under, so you don't need to join the organising club to take part in these events.

Details from Weald MC

Entry lists were very nearly full for those events that ran last series so if you want a run get your entry in early please

Utting Estates has offered to provide financial assistance to beginner and possibly novice crews this season to attempt to bring some younger crews in to join us 

John Lloyd from Croydon is leading this initiative and will be circulating details shortly including a flyer 

SuperUno's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T18:05:15
This is now an updated set of

This is now an updated set of regs out, which also detail the support with entry fees, and an introduction to 12 cars night and a taster event before the mains events happen.


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SuperUno's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T18:05:15
First event

Regs are out now for the first event of this series, see attached event flyer and regs.

SuperUno's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T18:05:15

Attached is the lastest information poster about the deal Weald MC is doing for stduents wanting to do Weald MC 12-cars.

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