Priestley 12 car rally 29th September

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paulbrewerton's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T23:04:51
Priestley 12 car rally 29th September

Hi everyone

With just a week to go top the first road event of the 2017/18 Winter Series, things are coming together.

However there are still 2 places left for competitors, and I could do with a couple more marshals. Many thanks to Andy and Chris for offering to do equipment car, and Colin and Ellen for doing course closer.

The route starts and finishes in Wakes Colne so if anyone can spare a couple of hours (or less if you live locally) on a Friday evening your assistance will be very gratefully accepted.

I won't be able to come to the club night tonight, so if you are able to help email me on




paulbrewerton's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T23:04:51

Just one competitor place and one marshal control to cover now. All looking good. As we are less than a week from the event all entries are confirmed, although masters are reminded they will not feature in the final results. Final instructions will go out Monday or Tuesday.

See you all on Friday.

paulbrewerton's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T23:04:51

Many thanks to all the marshals and course car crews for their invaluable help on last night's event. 11 cars started, 10 finished. Well done to all who took part - hope you enjoyed your drive- I know we did in the mini as car 0.

Results can be found in the 'this weekend' thread.


Joined: 2010-02-15T20:52:59
Many thanks Paul, Peter and

Many thanks Paul, Peter and the rest of the team.  We did badly in section 1 and suffered as a result but we had a really good run otherwise and I really enjoyed the roads.  I was brought up in that area and so was able to bore Mark with a running commentary of all the places I got up to mischief in as a boy. Excellent stuff, and I can't wait to drive that area again at some point in the future.

peteoddcar's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T22:26:20
Indeed we did !   

Indeed we did ! 


Classic Rally Mini
Joined: 2012-04-16T09:42:52
Thanks Priestley 12 Car

Hi Paul,

Many thanks to you, Peter and all the Marshals who came out to make a great start to this years Winter Series.  Congratulations to Pat and Simon on a well earned win.  The navigation blew away some of the summer cobwebs and kick started the old grey cells.  A little bit of discussion between Jim and me at the start of one of the later sections sorted out the navigation.  It is a team sport after all.

Well done everyone

Graham & Jim




Joined: 2010-02-15T20:52:59
Mark and I sometimes have

Mark and I sometimes have those little discussions. Luckily we keep the car windows closed so as not to cause a PR issue.......

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