Suze - London Marathon for Marie Curie

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Suze's picture
Joined: 2007-06-06T12:29:48
Suze - London Marathon for Marie Curie

As some may have heard, I won't be at Clacton as instead I will be tackling the London Marathon for Marie Curie which is being held on the same day. Marie Curie supported Matt, I and our family when Matt's Dad was terminally ill and passed away very quickly back in 2009 so it's a charity that means something to us.

Training is clearly underway, if anyone would like to sponsor me you'd of course be very welcome and it would be appreciated! 

My fundraising page is:

I've started a marathon blog with a bit more about why I'm doing it etc at:

Whilst I will have 26.2 miles to tackle on 22nd April, I'll still be trying to find out and keep an eye on what's happening at Clacton!

Many thanks in advance for your support.

Suze's picture
Joined: 2007-06-06T12:29:48
I finished the London Marathon!

Whilst nearly all CMC members were busy at Clacton, I was tackling the London Marathon for Marie Curie at what turned out to be the hottest London Marathon ever.

Thank you to so many fellow club members and other motor sport people for sponsorship and messages of support and encouragement.

I've put some thoughts together on my marathon experience from pre-marathon to the marathon itself and the comedown afterwards. All can be found in my blog posts atā€¦/london-marathon-2018/ (scroll down for the older posts, there are three new ones!).

I've also put together a video with photos and video clips of my experience which can be found at

My sponsorship page for Marie Curie is still open at and any sponsorship will of course be appreciated.

Thank you for all of the support!

jimbowie's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:14
Well Done Suze

Many Congratulations.   

drholmes1003's picture
Joined: 2015-12-14T10:03:23
Marie Curie

Well done Suze!  Noble cause and a noble deed.

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