With 9 entries as of now ( we can accept 20 ) , the West Suffolk M C Bullseye Navigational Scatter will run on Sunday 24th October .
Based in the triangle of Haverhill, Newmarket and Bury St Edmunds (map 154) with a mileage of 65 miles max, you will be solving cryptic clues which lead to hidden information points. There are 32 of those within a five mile radius of the Start and 75% need to be found in 5 hours for a maximum score.
Sign-on from 11.30, start at 12, finish by 5pm latest. Entry fee £20, MSUK (free !) RS Clubman Licence required.
Free tea/coffee/biscuits while you decide your route and a light finger buffet at the end while the results are computed.
More details at: http://wsmc.co.uk
Wow !!
Fourteen entries as of tonight !
We are so chuffed at the support - it makes the work worthwhile.
We look forward to entertaining you all on Sunday.
George & Ray