Jan Jaunt 12-Car Rally, Friday 13th January 2023

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Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:16
Jan Jaunt 12-Car Rally, Friday 13th January 2023

Hi Everyone,

MARSHALS NEEDED! I know it's the time of year when everyone is gearing up for Christmas, and cold nights in January are far from our thoughts, but we need marshals for the !2-Car on the above date! I also know many have the Preston very much at the forefront of their minds these days in December!

But needs must, so here's an appeal for marshals on the 13th January 2023. The route has a short section on map 167, then goes onto 168 with a few miles on 155 before going back on 168. Start and finish in Silver End. We need volunteers for 7 or 8 controls, and your help will be very much appreciated. We even give choccy to the marshals as well! The contact details for the Chief Marshal are in the regs, please email or txt, or even phone. Thanks.

Chris and Andy

Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:16
Jan Jaunt 12-Car Rally, Friday 13th January 2023

Hi Everyone,

Map 167

This map is listed in the regs, and I appreciate most, if not all competitors will have one. The route uses only a short distance on 167. All competitors will receive an A4 black and white photocopy of the relevant area of the map.This will highlight the route on 167, and printed under the club's OS licence. Be aware though that this handout will not be to the same scale as the original map. So map 167 will not be needed.



Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:16
Jan Jaunt 12-Car Rally, Friday 13th January 2023

Hi Everyone,

We have 12 entries so far for the January 12-Car, 5 of which are Experts and Masters. The Common Regs give priority to Beginners and Novices up to the entry closing date of 6th January 18.00hrs. Experts and Masters will be allocated any remaining start numbers on a 'first come first served basis'. So Beginners and Novices can still submit an entry, and at the moment there are 5 places available!

Andy & Chris


Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:16
Jan Jaunt 12-Car Rally, Friday 13th January 2023

Please note correction to the published regs: the map ref for the start is 168 / 813193, the Western Arms PH in Silver End.




Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:16
Jan Jaunt 12-Car Rally, Friday 13th January 2023

Can I remind Beginners competing on the Jan Jaunt of the following from the common regs -

'Beginners will be given the route on a printed map in a sealed envelope. They may open the envelope and use the map at any time during the event, but will be penalised 6 Fails for doing so.

Also, Beginners may ask to be given the navigation the day before the event to plot at home, with the same 6 Fails handicap. They can then check the route against the marked map at the start, as there is no futher penalty for that.'

If any Beginners wish to do this please advise the chief marshal before Tuesday 10th January, contact details in the regs. The route will be emailed on Thursday 12th Jan, and as black and white documents A4 size.




Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:16
Jan Jaunt 12-Car Rally, Friday 13th January 2023

Hi Everyone,


We need marshals next Friday (the 13th) for four controls. If you are able to help out please advise me here or contact me through the regs info. The event starts and finishes in Silver End near Braintree and the route goes north and then roughly east and south then back to Silver End. Your help will be greatly appreciated and you will be rewarded with some chocolate, no less! We appreciate that marshaling this time of year is not everyone's cup of tea, but we have a full entry list with mostly beginners and novices competing, so we need your help for a short while to make the event a success for everyone. Please contact us if you are able to help!

Regards to All,


Andy & Chris


Sutnav's picture
Joined: 2012-01-25T11:20:00
Iā€™m free!

Hi Andy

If I can assist with a couple of controls I will.

or 07966574999. 


Suze's picture
Joined: 2007-06-06T12:29:48
Andy and Chris know we can be

Andy and Chris know we can be there if needed, but if anybody is more local I'd be happy to avoid the M25 on a Friday evening :D 

rosspopp1's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26T11:20:51

Hi Andy , let me know if you need help with a control 

07525 951653


Joined: 2016-04-28T19:55:48
ndy and Chris, thankyou for

Andy and Chris, thankyou for an enjoyable enening, Julie enjoyed the roads, and its always fun fighting 3 maps. your efforts are appreciated.

Julie & Nick

edscott's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:16
Board Car

Andy and Chris, well done, nice route to drive.

Had to keep stopping to put the boards out of course, but really good experience for Wayne my navigator on his first event.

The pressure was on for him to get it right as you rellied on us to have the boards on the right roads, but handled it really well. Be good to have a look at the detailed results to see how it all panned out. We stayed ahead of schedule so only met with one marshal as we were a bit early, but good see see you all at the finish.

Well done to Rich and Ben on the win.

Joined: 2010-01-30T20:24:47
Jan Jaunt

Despite a few issues with the clues, we didn't come last,  so not a bad night's work.

Thanks to Andy and the others for a good route, though at the time we weren't sure about the roads like the surface of the moon, threatening to remove the suspension from the 2000, until we realised we weren't supposed to be on them.

Colin and Mike 

Joined: 2012-10-18T21:50:55
Thank you

Thank you to Andy & Chris, and all marshals and others involved in organising/running the 12 car last night. We enjoyed the roads - lots of proper little ones. Just a shame about the massive pothole near Wakes Colne (we were on the wrong route at the time) - but two other cars were also victim to it earlier in the day according to the local, very lovely farmer where we pulled over to change the tyre! A good variety of navigational techniques to keep us on our toes....which wasn't helped when I ripped my envelope/clue into pieces upon opening it at TC1!  My brain wasn't firing as quickly as I'd have liked but I fully enjoyed the social aspect before and after - lovely to see so many friendly/happy faces.   :) 

TonyM's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T17:39:51
Jan Jaunt Results

Results for the Jan Jaunt are now here.

Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:17
Andy/Tony car 7 picked up a

Andy/Tony car 7 picked up a fail somewhere and I was hoping to check back on my maps where I went wrong, it doesn't appear to show in the results where we got the fail?

Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:16
Car 7 query

Hi Tony, Have checked your time card and the marshal's check sheet. It appears that you were OTL by 1 minute at TC7. The results show you dropped 3 minutes, that should be a Fail. At TC6 you were 2 minutes before OTL.



Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:16
Jan Jaunt 12-Car Rally, Friday 13th January 2023

Many thanks to competitors and to all the marshals for contributing to January's 12-Car. These events would not happen without the marshals, so the organisers are indebted to all those manning the controls. And to those who volunteered but were not needed - thank you also. This year we used maps 155 and 168, and I think the route was of different character to previous Jan Jaunts starting in Mountnessing. But thanks again to everyone involved, couldn't do it without you! I would like to mention that when recce'ing the route we came across narrow yellows in one grid square that were nearly impassable - very rough, narrow and steep in parts. Even Preston regulars would struggle. Looked good on the map, on the road a definite no-no. So we avoided them you will be glad to hear.

Chris and Andy


Joined: 2010-01-30T20:24:47
Narrow yellows

Andy / Chris

You may well have avoided putting on your route, that 8s not to say that some of us did not drive them!

You need to allow for the navigator having a bad night


Joined: 2010-01-30T20:24:47
Missed codeboard

it is interesting to note that JH was missed by all crews receiving expert clues, and no novices or beginners.

Did all of us make the same mistake?


Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:16
Missed codeboard

The correct route goes through - SH33 & SH35 GS8630, SH49 GS8629, and SH41 GS8728. These SH's total 158. Code board JH was at 866306 approx.


Joined: 2010-01-30T20:24:47
Missing codeboard

I reckon all of us took a different route and missed the JH.

I certainly did.

Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:16
Missed codeboard

Not all!

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