AMSC / CMC 12 Car Event Update - Fri 20 October

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jimbowie's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:14
AMSC / CMC 12 Car Event Update - Fri 20 October

The 23/24 Anglia Motor Sports Winter Series kicks off next week with a Beginners Event hosted by ECMC from White Colne next Friday.  Entries still available - see Forum Post.

The awards for the 22/23 Winter Series willbe available at the finish of the above event at The Swan in Chapel.

The first round proper for the 12 car series will now start on Friday 20th October hosted by Chelmsford MC C of C Paul Brewerton and entries will open soon.

There will be 3 further rounds in early in 2024 starting with the January Jaunt .





paulbrewerton's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T23:04:51
Autumn Leaves 12 car 20th October

As Jim says we are running the first 12 car of the winter series which is available to all crews on 20th October. We will be starting and finishing at the Green Dragon between Great Leighs and Braintree.

We have 7 entries so far and room for a few more, and we also need help for marshalling, course cars etc. Please sign up to help at


Paul Brewerton

edscott's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:16
12 car entries

With less than a week to go, there are still a couple of entries available on fridays 12 car. 

Joined: 2016-04-28T19:55:48
Thankyou to all.

A big thankyou to Paul and all his 'happy band of little helpers' for a a most enjoyable evening, excellent to see so many beginners out, welcome.

I have to say at lunch time I was expecting an email caneclling it - the weather in Woodbridge was bad and the A12 was closed but your route was suprisingly standing water free.

ps Jim getting lost just added more fun to the evening, there is nothing like not finding a control where you think it should be to test the navigators confidence....

Nick & Juklie

Classic Rally Mini
Joined: 2012-04-16T09:42:52
Autumn Leaves

Hi Paul,  many thanks to you and the marshals for an enjoyable evening of Motorsport.  Great route for both drivers and navigators.  The navigation was just right to get the grey cells worikng again. 

Great to see so many Beginner crews who's preformance was very encouraging.  No doubt a product of Nick's training events.

Looking forward to seeing you all in January.


paulbrewerton's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T23:04:51

Thansk for all the positive comments, makes all the effort worthwhile. The results are attached,with one or two very minor changes from last night - my adding up isn't what it was!

It ceratinly seemed a mixed bag of results, with 4 crews, of all classes, going fail-free and as many missing two ro more controls. The short OTL allowance for the first 4 controls might have been a factor here but if numbers of marshals mean some have to do two controls this is inevitable. Many thanks to Ben, Steve, Jim, Paul, Colin, Simon, Tony, Kelly, Mark, Katie and Eleanor for your excellent work on the night.

Well done to all and I hope to see you out on Andy's January Jaunt, if not before.



Classic Rally Mini
Joined: 2012-04-16T09:42:52
Hi Paul,  Thanks for the

Hi Paul,  Thanks for the results.



edscott's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:16
Thanks Paul


Thankyoun for organising the 12 car on friday, I loved driving the route, good choice of lanes. Wayne was very pleased with the result, being only his 3rd event. I think we were lucky on a few occasions to spot the boards. Glad we didnt see the rain we were expecting, which was good for the army of marshals you had out. Very enjoyable nights sport. 


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