Jan Jaunt 12 Car Rally 10th January 2025 - licences

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Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:16
Jan Jaunt 12 Car Rally 10th January 2025 - licences

The regs for this event will be published soon, but this is a reminder that MSUK require every competitor to have a 2025 RS Clubman competition licence. This is available online from Motorsport UK, and the licence is free and it can be sent by email. Couldn't be easier. You will need one to enter the JJ on the 10th of January, and of course for other events too.



Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:16
Jan Jaunt 12 Car Rally 10th January 2025

Hi All,

Seasons Greetings to everyone!

As everyone knows, marshals are needed to run a motorsport event, and the first 12-Car of 2025 needs a few, or more! Any volunteers will be most welcome. We need marshals for 6 controls, they are all on the north western quarter of OS map 168, so should be in easy reach for most. Yo can go straight to the control or go to the start venue in Silver End to get your instructions. Car 1 leaves the start at about 7.40pm, and the competitive bit is all over by 10pm after which the results will be announced in the finish venue. It's also good to have company when marshalling, so get a friend or CMC member (or both!) to join you at the control. More the merrier! If you need more info my email is on the regs plus my mob number.


conrad braam's picture
conrad braam
Joined: 2024-12-31T11:09:09
first timer

I'm busy requesting the RM license so long. I dont know much or which car we will take, because I'm just a driver, toss up between a Vitesse, MK2 I think it is or the Spitfire. Never driven a classic or event until last year when I was asked to drive the TSSC coast-to-coast, but my navigator will have done one or more of the 12 car type navigation events before, but I cannot rely on them remembering how to or doing the directions and homework. So I'll need help I'm sure on the day. Loads of forms to fill in phew, hope we can still get a spot.
Q: This is a night drive, for about 3-4 hours I take it? And has to be done old-school, no digital devices if I am understanding the rules and the guide?


Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:16
Jan Jaunt 12 Car Rally 10th January 2025

Hi Conrad,

There's nothing to worry about! You have entered as Beginners so you will have the navigation 1 hour before your due start time. Also I can email you the navigation the day before but this results in you receiving 6 Fails! As Beginners the navigation is straightforward - it includes the map ref for each control, so if you go off route you will still know where the next control is. Car 1 starts at 1938 approx and all is finished just befor 10pm. All your navigator needs is the map (168), a romer, a couple of soft pencils, a map board, a map light, possibly a rubber/eraser, and a magnifying glass can be useful. Jim Bowie would be happy to speak to you on 07799 535190 Monday evening and after, and I am sure he will answer any questions you may have. My mob no is in the regs should you need it beforehand.

All the best,




conrad braam's picture
conrad braam
Joined: 2024-12-31T11:09:09
Look forward to it Andy, have

Look forward to it Andy, have read through the guide again and now have most of the equipment already. Sounds like an addictive activity. Hope to be able to join one again in the summer when there is more light.

Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:16
Competition Licence and Club Membership Card

Please note that the above two items are required to compete on the Jan Jaunt 12-Car this Friday. The competition licence must have been applied for even if you have not received it yet. Without these two items you will not be allowed to start.



Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:16
12 Car tonight. Please take note of message below!

It is important that everyone enters their car registration  on the tablet at the bar of the start venue. Otherwise there is a £100 fine. This applies to all competitors, marshals and event officials. Make sure you do it, it will be your fault if you're fined!

Joined: 2016-04-28T19:55:48
Well that was cold.

Dear Chris, Andy, Tony & Paul (et al) and all your organisers little helpers, a most pleasant, if chilly evening. We entrants thankyou and recognise we had a huge advantage - nice warm cars with a nice warm heaters. All you mashals who stood out in a very cold evening and fought the same icy conditions as us competitors without the glory. A very big thankyou we enjoyed the evening, though I will admit that through some of the more icy corners Julie and I may have momentarally expressed a slightly different position.

Julie & Nick

Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:14
January Jaunt Results

Well done to all those who braved the elements and managed to get round a challenging January Jaunt route - the temperatures that I saw from inside a climate controlled course car varied between 0C and -4C, although some marshals claimed it was colder! Thanks go to Andy Merchant for organising the event and also to Jim Bowie for organising the marshals and cajoling a few reluctant competitors from their firesides to come out and compete. I hope you thought it was worth it. The rate of attrition was higher before the start than after it, with two withhdrawals (one and a half in the pub) and Luis Diaz starting with a different navigator from the one he'd entered with but not making it to TC2 owing to Preston-related electrical gremlins.

Here are totals, with one minor revision from what was verbally declared last night as Curtis & Dexter Jacoby were incorrectly given a penalty for what turned out on closer inspection of the TC6 marshal's check sheet an envelope penalty, but as novices they had the whole route issued at the start, but no difference to their actual result.

Julie and Nick Skuse were the only crew to find all the code boards and proved the point that if you get round steadily you can still win, although quite how many seconds inside OTL they were at the last two controls isn't recorded, so it must have been a bit fraught in the Mini at times.

1st Julie Skuse / Nick Skuse (Expert)    OF 30min

2nd Ben Cutting / Steve Cumbers (Expert)  1F 10min

3rd Jim Drake / Graham Robinson (Expert) 1F 16min

4th Curtis Jacoby /Dexter Jacoby (Novice) 2F 19min

5th Mike Helm / Ken Larkin (Expert)  7F 30min

6th Conrad Braam / Robert Pearce (Beginner) 28F 23min


The next event is Nick & Julie's Shotley 12 car on 21st February - hopefully a bit of spring warmth will be with us by then!

conrad braam's picture
conrad braam
Joined: 2024-12-31T11:09:09
Big thank you from Conrad and

Big thank you from Conrad and Rob in the GT6, pic below.

about to leave home at 4:30

We did have a good time, the driver had it lucky with the exhaust going down my side of the transmission, so we did have some heat. I definitely came unprepared for but learned a lot.

Joined: 2009-07-25T16:10:08
Club Triumph Points

Hey Conrad, great to see another Triumph out and about competing and great to see Rob is back out in action too! As Club Triumph members, your participation in this event entitles you to gain points in the Club Triumph championships.  Just email your position and results to 


Myself and a few other CT members compete on here from time to time too (did Mike Helm say hello?), if more than one Triumph takes part then your points are worth more!

What area are you from?

Best regards


jimbowie's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:14
12 Car Results & Additional Thanks

May I please add a few additional thanks to the Organising Team from one of the team.

Firstly to Andy Merchant for planning it , and running it , at a very busy time of year squeezed between The Preston, Christmas, Rixy Stages and Brands Hatch - a bit more space between them would ease some stress.

To Chris Parmenter co organising with Andy but after the Tuesday recce going down sick. 

To Paul Barrett doing all the printing , secretarial stuff , course car driving & results. CAN YOU CHECK THE PENALTIES FOR NICK & JULIE SKUSE as if they were near to OTL they cant have dropped 0 minutes.

To Ben Scott doing the colour route maps, with last minute changes, monitoring the gritter routes, offering to do any recoveries & manning TC2 & TC7 with Karen.

To Ed Scott & Rich Baker doing the Code Board & Time Control placement and phoning some Ice Notes to me to tell the crews at MTC1, and leaving the first marks on the road for the crews to follow.

To Mark Andrews for scrutineering and navigating me round in the Course Closer. I thoroughly enjoyed the route and perversely the ice, and it was great to have his excellent map reading & and an extra pair of skilled eyes to predict the grip levels. 

To the competitors , for staying on the road, and apart from the 2 with mechanical mayhem at the start - all finishing. Particular congrats to the GT6 crew getting to the end. Commiserations to Lucy being poorly and withdrawing but thanks for getting the route on to the maps for Car 1 and keeping  John Peterson company - he broke a cv/shaft pulling out of the pub but the recovery vehicle did get him home to Ely overnight and the car is fixed already!   

Finally to the other marshals Tony Michael & Kelly doing TC3 and TC8 , Alison & Gary Maddocks , Geoff Lobb & Simon Howlett


Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:16
Jan Jaunt 12-Car Friday 10th Jan

My thanks to all who braved the the very cold weather on Friday evening to participate and help in the January 12-Car. I think it was probably the coldest night for a long while, so many thanks to all the marshals who stood outside in below-freezing weather to look after the competitors and fill in their time cards.

Many thanks too to Ed and Rich for planting the control and code boards, I think there were about 26 in all. A very important job so thanks guys. I should also thank Ben for producing marked-up maps for me and others showing the whole route with control and code board locations clearly marked; he and Karen did 2 controls - very brave of them (and others too)! So, many thanks again, indeed many thanks to all the marshals and to all who helped to make the event a success - judging by the chat and discussion in the finish venue afterwards!

I must also mention Jim Bowie and Paul Barrett. Jim organised the marshals in his usual friendly way, and Paul checked and corrected my navigation where necessary which made the event easier for the competitors. There was plenty of sheet ice around and I am thankful to say that I know of no crew that visited a ditch or hedge and caused damage to their cars. Many thanks to Paul for a smooth ride doing course opening too.

But thanks to everyone involved on Friday night , competitors included. I trust the crew that broke a half shaft made it home without too much trouble, and if any crew feel a bit deflated with their result I would say 'stick with it, we all have to start somewhere, and better results will come to those who persevere'.

I should also explain that Chris was absent due to a bad dose of flu - get well soon!

Thaks everyone, and take care.


Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:16
Jan Jaunt 12-Car Friday 10th Jan

Here are abbreviated results for the Jan Jaunt:

Car 3 Julie Skuse / Nick Scuse, Expert Class, 1st O/A: 0F 30m

Car 4 Ben Cutting / Steve Cumbers, Expert Class, 2nd O/A: 1F 10m

Car 5 Jim Drake / Graham Robinson, Expert Class, 3rd O/A: 1F 16m

Car 2 Curtis Jacoby / Dexter Jacoby, Novice Class, 4th O/A: 2F 19m

Car 6 Mike Helm / Ken Larkin, Expert Class, 5th O/A: 7F 30m

Car 1 Conrad Braam / Robert Pearce, Beginner Class, 6th O/A: 28F 23m

2 other cars were DNF due to unwell navigator and damaged half-shaft. It was a very cold night, so many thanks again to all the marshals for standing out in the freezing conditions. And thanks too to the course closing crew, scrutineering guys, and everyone else who helped in putting on this event, especially Paul Barrett and Jim Bowie. 

Chris and Andy

Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:14
Detailed JJ 2025 Results

Here is a full breakdown by TC / PC

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