Honington Gymkhana - Event News

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jimbowie's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:14
Honington Gymkhana - Event News

Less than two weeks now until the first Gymkhana of the year on March 11th.

The event is coming together well BUT WE'D LIKE MORE COMPETITORS and MORE MARSHALS.

This will be an ideal event for Gymkhana first timers -
- 12 timed tests - simple diagrams, nothing "too fast" or "too tight" and no tests more than a mile long. Good for tyres/brakes & dizzy navigators
- sensible penalties for missed cones, wrong manoeouvres & incorrect tests.
- Lots of skill tests to add a bit of fun including "rats and balls" & something on the skid pan.

We will need to get the names of all persons that may be coming to the venue, and registration numbers for all tow cars, navigators in separate cars etc and marshals TO THE BASE IN THE NEXT 7 DAYS.
This is a military venue and spectators are not allowed - easy jobs available for first time marshals.

Post here with any general queries.

Stretters's picture
Joined: 2009-10-27T17:49:32
Hi Jim, have sent you an

Hi Jim, have sent you an E-mail.

Do they need photo I.D or just names and reg no's.


Joined: 2011-11-28T12:18:44

I know Honington are very keen on security so my thought would be it would probably not be a bad idea to have photo ID along ' in case'. I'm certainly going to suggest this when we get to the stages event at the same venue in April.

Joined: 2007-10-30T14:01:07
Photo ID

You will need photo ID to gain entry. Driving licence or passport. This has been the requirement for Honington every year we have been there.

They may accept competition or marshal licence but you better have your driving licence or passport with you to be on the safe side.

You must come in the vehicle you specifiy to Jim Bowie or Tony Michael as a list will be given to the RAF of your name, your passengers names and your car details. If you have more people in your vehicle than we were told, the RAF can refuse that person's entry.

Anyone not given there car details (the car you will arrive in!!!) as yet, please contact Jim urgently.

Joined: 2007-10-30T14:01:07

[quote=Stretters998cc]Hi Jim, have sent you an E-mail.

Do they need photo I.D or just names and reg no's.


Are you finally coming back out to play Darryl???

Stretters's picture
Joined: 2009-10-27T17:49:32

I was still waiting for the consent form to come back. lol

Something else has cropped up that week now and I may have to move my rest days about.

I live in hope that I may be able make it out on Sat or Sun, even if it's to help Jim unload the cone army at Woodbridge.

I really miss spending time with you guys and gals, as there is such a good atmosphere at all of our events.

Will keep you (Karen ad Jim) updated and it will be just me in the Corsa for the attendance list should the need arise for entry to Honington, that is unless Freya can come with me but she's only 6 and may get bored easily!!! we both have passports and I have driving and marshal licence.

Hopefully see you soon,


Damien's picture
Joined: 2007-12-14T11:14:25


Only just found out im doing this with Pete Skillen, my car reg R955TKP - Damien Rigden.

Hope im not too late wasn't aware you required this. Sorry



jimbowie's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:14
Gymkhana Entries Closed + Security Update

On the members with log in facilities you will see the Final Entry List & Final Instructions.

Any competitors with tow vehicle egistration or security pass queries contact Yony the entries secretary

All marshals instructions have been sent - with pass attachments. If marshals have any queries email

jimbowie's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:14
Gymkhana Thanks & Results

Firstly thanks to the rest of my organising team Ben, Karen & Gary the timekeeper- having to work extra hard with the ECM clocks because the test times (as well as the skill tests & cone penalties) had to be input manually (as opposed to the chip download liege clocks). We had two reasons to use the ECM clocks - as a trial for the Honington Stages timing system AND give Tony Michael a break from timekeeping so many of the clubs events.

Gary will post some results as soon as he can but it was great to see a bunch of new names at the top of the charts with Ding Boston from Oxford the winner in his Golf with a first time co driver Sarah Cunningham, and Peter & Barbara Zytkiewicz 2nd in the Fiesta.

Finally thanks to Motex, the MOD staff at Honington, the marshals and the special marshals that helped with set up & clear up especially Brian Hemmings, Keith Pettitt & Paul Dumbill.

TonyM's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T17:39:51
Honington Gymkhana Results
jimbowie's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:14
Honington Results

Thanks Tony & Gary for posting so promptly.

Also a forgotten thanks to Tony M for the Entries Secretary work for Honington and especially for doing our MOD security lists - a time consuming job. Thanks to Iain, our military escort at the base, access went very smoothly.

Joined: 2006-11-26T11:20:50
Gymkhana thanks

A very enjoyable day .Big pat on the back to all organisers and marshals for this weekends gymkhana.Very much liked the 'shorter but more 'approach to tests and the variation in them .Must brush up on my geography for the next one .

Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:14
Gymkhanas - Motex & other 2012 events

As noted above our first gymkhana of the year was a great success, a proper clubman's event, and the general view of the club's committee is that the shorter test format is better for beginners, which is who these grass-roots events are aimed at (as demonstrated by a first-time competitor navigating her way to 1st o/a). Those wanting longer and more demanding driving tests should be doing endurance rallies.

To answer Barbara & Peter's comment - currently we have three confirmed organising teams and venues for the year. If anyone's offering to run a fourth event I'm sure we can find a spare airfield for the weekend sometime in the year....

Now that CMC has proved over 10 years that this is a successful and sustainable formula perhaps some other clubs should be considering running gymkhanas.

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