Suffolk Saunter Tabletop Rally

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paulbrewerton's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T23:04:51
Suffolk Saunter Tabletop Rally

Entries are now open for the Suffolk Saunter (because the route is on sheet 155) Tabletop Rally, which will be held on the clubnight 16th August 2012 starting at 9.00 p.m. There is no formal entry form, and the entry fee of £5 is payable in cash on the night. However please indicate your intention to compete by posting on this forum thread or emailing

so I know how many sets of paperwork to produce. There is no limit to the number of entries. Please also note that this is the first round of the 12 Car Winter Series and championship points will be awarded on an equivalent basis to other 12 car rallies in the series. Regs are available (or soon will be) to download on the website.

Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:19
Table top

Hi Paul, I will have the first entry with Dave T. Cheers

paulbrewerton's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T23:04:51
Prize For first beginner navigator

Just in case you haven't read it in the regs, Mark Andrews has very kindly donated his Poti as a prize for the first beginner navigator. Hopefully this will encourage some more beginners to have a go at the tabletop rally and the Winter Series.


edscott's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:16
Table Top Award


Thanks for highlighting that from the Regs. That is an excellent prize for the winning Begginer Navigator, a perfect start for the 12 car Winter Series.

If you are a Begginer, this is certainly worth entering the table top for.


paulbrewerton's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T23:04:51
Short of entries

With a week to go, John Conboy and Dave Thompson look like they are going into the Priestley with a 12 point lead in the Winter Series, as they are the only entrant in the Tabletop Rally. Navigators especially take this chance to sharpen up your skills before the on-road events start. Just £5 entry to cover the cost of awards, post here or email me to guarantee your rentry.


Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:14
Tabletop entry

Tony MIchael and I will try to give them a run for their money.

Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:20
Rusty Entry

I think we are going to join you for this. Rich B and Mike T

paulbrewerton's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T23:04:51
Tabletop Rally

Entry list as at 7pm Tuesday 14th

John Conboy/Dave Thompson Novice
Paul Barrett/Tony Michael Expert
Rich Baker/Mike Thomas Expert/Novice

Would love to have a few more, especially beginners. Remember the special prize of a poti for first beginner.
To save on printing costs can entrants please let me know if you have a copy of sheet 156.
See You on Thursday.


Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:19
Table top

Unfortunately Dave T will not be available for tomorrow's opening event. If there is a beginner out there wanting some experience let me know

. Or post on this site.

Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:19
Table top

Unfortunately Dave T will not be available for tomorrow's opening event. If there is a beginner out there wanting some experience let me know

. Or post on this site.

Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:14


I have a 156. I'll also be bringing along an extra driver so we can make another crew if required (she is capable of driving between the bar and the time control, but we'll keep her off the road for safety).

paulbrewerton's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T23:04:51
Final Instructions and Entry List

The final instructions are attached below.

The current entry list is
Car Driver/Navigator Class
1. A.N. Other/John Conboy - Novice
2. Tony Michael/Paul Barrett - Master (treated as expert)
3. Mike Thomas/Rich Baker - Expert OR Rich Baker/Mike Thomas Novice
4. Eddie Call/Adrian Bragg - Novice

John C. I'm sure you can sort out a driver with Paul Barrett as he is bringing a spare!

Classes are based on the list on the CMC website. which is for season 2011/12 so are subject to upgrade.

There are still places available, and I would urge those who have entered the Priestley to come along if you can. Remember this event counts towards the 12 Car Winter series. If anyone has been put off by not having sheet 155 I will bring a few spare copies.


Paul Brewerton

jimbowie's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:14
Table Top Apology especially to Mark Andrews

I cannot make the clubnight tonight and I must apologise to Mark - who thinks that I may be driving for him . . if he remembers . . .that I wont be there!

This means that if Mark remembers his map & romer that someone else can team up with him!

Good luck to you all - see you at Brands Hatch. Jim

paulbrewerton's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T23:04:51
Tabletop Rally Final Results

Sorry for the delay but I was away over the weekend. Once I put the results into the computer (see attached file) I found a couple of addition errors, which affected the results announced on the night. The final results are:
1st Overall Eddie Call/Adrian Bragg Novice 4.5 F 29M
2nd Tony Michael/Paul Barrett Master 5.5F 0M
3rd Paul Dumbill/John Conboy Novice 7F 2M
4th Ben Scott/Keith Lane Novice 10.5F 21M
5th Mike Thomas/Rich Baker Expert 12F 1M

Full detailed results are attached. I hope everyone enjoyed the event. I think the result shows that taking time to get the questions right pays dividends, although the winning crew were knocking on OTL at the finish. Looking forward to the Priestley.

Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:14


Thank you for an enjoyable evening and a challenging event. We'll pass on the trophies at the Priestley - the glory was great while it lasted.
Next year I think you could do with a helper on the results!

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