Targas/ Autotest

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Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:19
Targas/ Autotest

Just had a call from Adrian, He is a member of the club and is looking to compete on targas and some auto tests etc with a friend of his. The question he asks is around his choice of weapon. He has a chance of a mini special he thinks 1.4. I run a mini scamp 1.0 in the historic class as it is over 40 yrs old, but not sure what class he could enter under. He is going to come along to the next meeting but would like some advise before that. Any thought anyone. Cheerss John

minispaniard's picture
Joined: 2011-11-29T21:05:13
mini special

If AdrianĀ“s Mini Special still has the original engine fitted, it should be a 1098cc. Biggest engine fitted to a Mini is a 1275. Specials are a very sought after limited edition from 1979 so it should qualify for the Historic award...

It's a shame my Chelsea does not. Despite being exactly the same, they didn't change that much through their existence, mine is a 1986 model and Historics only go up to 1982 I believe...

Some info on the Mini Special on this very useful page for Austin/Morris/BL/Rover/Call them wahtever fanatics:

tony burchnall
Joined: 2006-12-12T21:43:55
Autotest Minis

Minis are an ideal autotest car as John Peterson proved at Waterbeach last year. His FTD overall managed to beat even Peter Zytkievicz on one occasion.
They are easy and cheap to stiffen up and probably benefit from a decent bucket seat to hold you in place. I think John P runs a 1330 which is also pretty torquey and seems to handle like a go kart. The more power you can easily find the better but outright power will not be the deciding factor. There should be several Minis out this season in various forms so you should always have someone to compete with.
We don't run an Historics section in the Autosolo/Autotest series so age isn't important but the Targas may be different.
The first round of the AAC is at Waterbeach on March 17th, a week after the first Targa. Regs willl be published shortly.

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