beginning marshelling

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Joined: 2013-08-26T21:45:07
beginning marshelling

Hello all,

I am a trainee marshal for track events at brands hatch, which I began last year, however due to various reasons I haven't been able to attend many events this year so far, I am looking to attend more events there and also expand into other events including rallying etc. I am registered with the Motorsport UK and get my booked signed for events as I work towards becoming a track marshal rather than trainee and have also completed a training day however this is all for circuit racing. I can see quite a few events listed on your website, I would like to know what I would need to do to be able to marshal any of them? Do I need to complete any other training days? Any advice or help would be very much appreciated. Thanks, Gareth

Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:19

Hi Gareth, nice to here from you. My name is John and i am the clubs chief marshal. You dont need any special training just willingness to get up early and warm clothing. There are several types of events you can get involved in, from auto solo/tests, 12 car road rallies to single venue stage rallies. They take part all over the south east, and you would generally have to get there yourself, but sometimes you can team up with others. Most event are published on our web site well in advance,and you can register using the link on the top right . There is a stage rally at RAF Woodbridge,coming up in September which i am the chief marshal. If you are interested i will pair you with an experienced marshal for the day.. I can be contacted on

Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:18
Beginning marshalling

Hi Gareth, yes please do come out with us. I've marshalled for more than 20 years, with a break in the 90s to compete instead, and I still enjoy it. We're a friendly lot and that includes the competitors, which I understand is not the case with circuit racing. You can do different jobs from one event to another, and this helps to keep it interersting, and you are encouraged to think for yourself, particularly on multi-venue or road rally events - but don't worry, no one expects you to cope alone until you have experience and confidence. It's amazing how much you take in just by being there, and watching what happens. Hope to see you at Woodbridge? Anne

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