12 Car - Nov 29th

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JJMonty's picture
Joined: 2013-05-03T22:22:31
12 Car - Nov 29th

*** This was meant for the Road Rallying section, but your forums will not allow me to post in there ***

Hi Guys,

I'm back at University now so time to get involved in a bit of Motorsport again! :) However instead of taking photos of events (Targa Rallies & Auto Solos at Debden, Easter) - I'm actually taking part in the event in subject as a Navigator!

I have some previous experience of this role - though this was in Jersey and the requirements were very different! (Being a 9x5 mile large Island, you could just about get away with no maps, and certainly no need for things like a roamer! - Anyone who has been there will appreciate why this is the case!) I have purchased the maps needed for the event, however having read the PDF's on the website, I am unfamiliar with some of the procedures.

I'll chuck a couple of questions in - if anyone could answer them or give any further advice, this would be greatly appreciated! :)

1) What is a roamer? (All the notes talk about it, but I never used one in Jersey)

2) The clue cards seem familiar to what I have dealt with, though I am only experienced with the Tulip Diagrams. What format is used the most? Or is the purely down to the digression of the organiser that night?

I've read on the forum that you have had training evenings in the past - I don't suppose there are any being arranged prior to this event?

Any more tips are always welcome! :)

Thanks and see you in a couple of weeks!


Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:19
12 car

Hi Monty. I am the coc on the next 12 car and hope to answer your queries.
A roamer is a plastic card around 4inch sq and consists of the corner divided into 10ths of the grid square so you can do 6 figure map refs.
It also has things like radius holes for black spots and also compass points. They are essential for the type of navigation you will encounter on all our 12 cars rallies. They can be obtained quite cheaply on the web, goggle basic roamer co.
If you pm me i will forward some passed events to practice.

Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:19

Hi Monty.
If you want tips on navigation methods, click on help at the top of this page and it will take you to past 12 car routes to practice.

JJMonty's picture
Joined: 2013-05-03T22:22:31
Hi John,

Hi John,

Thanks for the feedback :)

I'll send you a PM shortly for the previous notes - is this the type of roamer I am looking for? http://www.demon-tweeks.co.uk/motorsport/roamers/the-basic-roamer-compan...


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