Targa News - Entries Closing Monday

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jimbowie's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:14
Targa News - Entries Closing Monday

We are closing the entry list for the Javalin Wethersfield Targa today Monday at 6.00pm.

This is because we need to get security lists of all vehicles, and names of persons attending to the base by Tuesday.

The entries secretary will issue a Scrutineering Reminder bulletin today and chase all competitors for missing details such as navigators and car details.


I will send a Marshals Update email to all marshals that I believe to be attending , only 9 signed up through the CMC weblink, so I could do with a few more.

Jim Bowie C of C and Chief Marshal

jimbowie's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:14
Tuesdays Targa News

Everything is coming in to place for Sunday 13th. Not sure about the weather just at the moment, but there will definitely be some!

I have a full compliment of marshals ( thank you) and the seeded entry list is available on the site. I'm happy with 63 entries ( and no more) as the event is on a tight timescale with 15 tests.

Final instructions will be sent to all marshals and competitors tomorrow evening after one more visit to the base has been undertaken.

I am looking for 2 or 3 volunteers that live near to Woodbridge to help unload the truck on Sunday evening. This will be in the 8.00 to 9.30 pm timezone and I'm conscious most competitors and marshals will want to go home after a days sport so I'm appealing to those that live in the right direction ,either with true grit or that cannot be at Wethersfield during the day.


jimbowie's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:14
Targa News for Marshals

Apologies for delayed sending of finals. Due to my lack of competency with attachments on my home PC. Will send from work today. Jim

jimbowie's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:14
Targa Helper & Marshal Thanks

Wow that was a tough weekend, for the organisers and myself - including 8 hours of lorry driving. I think we all enjoyed it, apart from those that suffered in the wet lay by.

Special thanks are due to my team , especially Tony Michael, then in order of merit Brian Hemmings , Dave Thompson, Paul & Debs Dumbill, Gary Maddocks, Geoff Lobb, Tony Burchnall, Dave Judd, Joel Knox, Gary Nicholls, Tony Clements, Stanley Graham and all the other marshals, stewards and the competitors that helped with clear up at the end.


Joined: 2014-02-08T09:18:04
Many thanks to the organisers

Many thanks to the organisers and marshals, really enjoyed my first rally and well aware it was only possible because of the many volunteers who made it happen.

SuperUno's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T18:05:15
BIG Thanks

A mixed day for us....

Conditions which favour driving with a level finesse like yesterday never really suit my driving style and combined with a real lack of sleep built up over weeks wasn't a great combination.

Really enjoyed it when it started to dry out, and it was an excellent way to start learning how to drive with the new slipper diff :)

Again thanks to Mr Lobb for his fuel, not sure we would have finished without it.....

Finally a MASSIVE thanks to all the organisers and marshals for standing out getting cold/wet/hot/sunburn all on the same day for us to have fun.

Anyone fancy jet washing the Micra for me ?

Joined: 2013-04-18T11:59:53

Still smiling like a cheshire cat after yesterday's targa :-D We had a great day, had really good fun on the tests. I made a few mistakes but got on a lot better with my navigating than I did on my first attempt at Woodbridge. My driver's Fiesta has now done three targas and a sprint and is running well since coming out of its retirement, he now has a shopping list of things to get for the next event top of the list is power steering! Many thanks to all the hard working organisers for putting another great event together we thought the tests were well organised, planned and laid out and great fun to drive. Thanks also to the marshals who do a great job and are a vital part of motor sport, as a marshal myself I know that we do it purely for the love of it and a 'thank you' means a lot. Well done every one, pat on the back.

minispaniard's picture
Joined: 2011-11-29T21:05:13

it's quite weird having done a targa and not having to wait for Andy's proofs... there were quite a few people around with iPads and other paraphernalia so so, hopefully, we'll get to see some videos (?)

It was my first time at Wethersfield and I found it an excellent venue, despite the slippery conditions I found it very smooth and nothing to do with Woodbridge, for example, where there's always a chance of hitting the buddleia.

I think the tests were very well thought and enjoyed the changes between, not two of them were the same! On the other hand there´s no way of comparing times and correct mistakes...

Despite being a poor driver, see times, I enjoyed throwing the Mini around. I had a very worn set of 12 inch tyres and that didn´t help, I got told off at scrutineering for that but there was still some tread left. John, first time navigator (or competitor for that matter), tried his best and did quite well but, unfortunately, I'm also a poor listener... Due to the conditions and what I said above I felt like a passenger on some of the tests, we hit a few cones and got a WT at that bloody gate V, grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

After finishing the morning tests we noticed a slow puncture so we swapped the wheels for the 10 inches with better tyres. With the tarmac drying out I felt more comfortable and more in control.

Still a couple more cones hit but the afternoon was definitely better.

All in all, an enjoyable day. I started 37th and finished in the same place and last in class in my first ever Expert event. I was glad the Mini didn't suffer with the water, only misfired for a while attacking the big splash before Richard Nel's PC, after that we went round it... a squirt of WD40 sorted the problem.

I felt sorry for the Greenfields, they were running just 3 cars in front of us and they were definitely flying. Yep, that ocean could have been rerouted and delays would've been possibly avoided.

A fantastic event by the usual suspects at CMC. Big thanks to all of them and all the marshals. Gotta' love British weather, all types of it in only a few hours.

Luis 'minispaniard' Austin Mini n. 37

jonb1's picture
Joined: 2013-02-09T14:21:02
Thanks Jim and the team

What a great event we had, slides, spins and plain bad driving on my part, great navigating from Roy.

I thought the tests were great apart from the waiting around and the water slash come river i thought was a little unnecessary. I could see what you wanted to achieve Jim, maybe a thought for next time is leave 2 tests the same and then change it, its just a thought.

Thanks goes out to all the Marshall's,manned PC controls and time keepers for being so cheerful and smiling even though the weather changed minute by minute.

Cannot wait for the next one know as got another trophy, will soon have to get a cabinet to fit them in.

Sorry Adrian did try and get you round without to many mistakes, great to see how a real driver handles a rear wheel drive car thanks for the opportunity. had a beast of a headache last night and feel doing both is dame hard work.

Jon Bray (Car 102)

Joined: 2006-11-26T11:20:50
Very enjoyable .

Many thanks to Jim and all of his helpers for a very enjoyable day at Wethersfield .Loved the tests ,each one had something different and if the route didn't catch you out the track conditions did.

Made fair share of mistakes on both sides of the car ,took totally unsuitable tyres which despite having lots of tread just didn't want to grip at all anywhere .Struggled to see the diagram properly on a couple of occasions ,perhaps its time to get eyes tested again.

Water was a little deep but we were warned and this is a rally not a track day so no complaints.

Joined: 2014-07-03T10:16:18
Fantastic event!

As with all the other comments here - a really enjoyable and well run Targa on Sunday. Nicely planned tests, with routes and conditions changing all through the day - so completely different on every run - I even enjoyed the extra challenge of driving through the lake, even if others ended up a bit damp!
It was also the first time out in the Williams with its' new hydraulic handbrake - which proved a fantastic improvement, even if just to amuse the marshals with flamboyant style rather than speed. A fantastic result for us too, but we were still limited by a few silly mistakes, cone penalties, and general driver incompetence - so a long way to go before getting close to Gavin's ever-faultless performance.
Tonight's job is now to pressure wash the car down and try to fix the 4 punctures we picked up!

paulbrewerton's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T23:04:51
Wethersfield Targa Photos

I managed to get a few pictures of cone N on test 8 (or maybe 5) in between the rain showers. Sorry I didn't manage to get one of every competitor. You are welcome to copy/download any of you.

Here is the link

Joined: 2014-02-08T09:18:04
Pic for Luis!

Hopefully this shows up....!!! 


minispaniard's picture
Joined: 2011-11-29T21:05:13

You did an excellent job on your first go as a navigator. I'm sorry about my poor driving skills, I'm not sure if you believed the excuse of the crappy tyres... wink

A good day was had and I hope you enjoyed it.

Joined: 2014-02-08T09:18:04
minispaniard wrote:


You did an excellent job on your first go as a navigator. I'm sorry about my poor driving skills, I'm not sure if you believed the excuse of the crappy tyres... wink

A good day was had and I hope you enjoyed it.


I was telling my dad about it just this weekend - complete with "it was funny how we only got the smell of burning brakes after we'd switched to the tyres Luis was using the drive home - they must have had more grip!!!!"

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