Waterbeach Autosolo - 8th July

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Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:14
Waterbeach Autosolo - 8th July

Round 3 of the SCCoN/WSMC/ECMC Autosolo/Autotest
series will take place at Waterbeach Airfield on Sunday 8th July.

Regs will be posted on all the clubs' sites and the series webpage, accessed
via www.sccon.co.uk

This will be a good opportunity for all of the club's gymkhana drivers to have a go at a slightly different format of event.

TonyM's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T17:39:51
Waterbeach Regs

The regs are available on our site here: http://chelmsfordmc.co.uk/node/3336

minispaniard's picture
Joined: 2011-11-29T21:05:13
1st timer?

tempted but a bit 'scared' though...

I've been watching youtube videos from autosolos, autotests not my thing, so I know more or less what's about.

any tips for a complete newbie if I decide to go ahead? or is it better to help as a marshal first before entering my first event?

Suze's picture
Joined: 2007-06-06T12:29:48
They are easy, honestly!

They are easy, honestly! Well, easy enough that I wouldn't say you need to marshal before doing one - but of course that's another option.

We've done a few and each has been different [North Weald, Castle Combe and Silverstone]. The Combe and Silverstone events have "cones" laying at the base of larger, numbered cones to tell you which side of the cone to go. North Weald uses a similar format with "guiding" cones laying at the base of larger cones, but they are not numbered.

I don't know the Waterbeach event at all but if you want me to email a couple of diagrams from other events, drop me a line [think you can contact me via my Profile on here....].

tony burchnall
Joined: 2006-12-12T21:43:55
Waterbeach Autosolo- 8th July

Hi Luis,
The tests are not in the least difficult. Those who are running the series are all experienced in what makes good flowing tests which are easy to get the hang of. As Suze says, each cone has a smaller cone laid by the side of it to act as an arrow to tell you where to go. The cones are also numbered in ascending or, in the afternoon, decending order because the tests are reversed.
You can walk the tests beforehand and also have a drawing of each one.
There is no attempt by the organisers to try to catch you out. We want you to know your route so you can take the quickest line to get a faster time. In fact, if we were get too many wrong tests we would regard it as poor design on our part.
The sites we are using allow three tests to run at the same time so there is not too much waiting round and we run three tests three times in the morning and reverse them in the afternoon, so eighteen tests in all.

Most people choose to drive to the event and do the Autosolo. Because Autosolo cars must not be trailered we run a Slalom (all forward) Autotest at the same venue as a separate event with its own classes.

Rest assured, if you decide to have a go you won't be the only first timer and there will probably be at least one fairly old timer willing to show you the way round!!

minispaniard's picture
Joined: 2011-11-29T21:05:13

Thanks for your answers. I'll try to convince Sofia, we are meant to marshal at the Debden gymkhana so hopefully two weeks in a row will be OK... :-s

silly question, it's called Autosolo because there's not a navigator involved, right?

tony burchnall
Joined: 2006-12-12T21:43:55
Waterbeach Autosolo

Regarding the name, it could well be but someone else on the forum will have a definite answer.
I think the idea came from the States originally where they call it Autocross, which means something completely different over here. It has been around for years but people are only now seeming to accept that it really has a great deal going for it. As an entry to motorsport it has real potential.

nickpope's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26T11:20:50
Auto solo

Pity this is the same day as 7Oaks auto solo at North Weald. In any case, I can't do either as I'm scrutineering at the British GP that day! Nick

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