Annual Trophies

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edscott's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:16
Annual Trophies

It is that time of year again when we need to collect the Annual Trophies from the 2012 winners.

They can be returned to us via the next clubnight, January Brands Stages, or even the following January clubnight.

If you could arrange to return them it would be much appreciated.

Many Thanks,

Ed Scott

TonyM's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T17:39:51
January Awards

The January club night is the Awards night, so returning them at the December "Mince Pies" night would be good.

Suze's picture
Joined: 2007-06-06T12:29:48
Ed, not sure if you got my

Ed, not sure if you got my email on Friday, but we returned Matt's via Gary at Rockingham.

S Page's picture
S Page
Joined: 2010-11-25T09:35:57

Hi Ed

I can't make this club meet but I could bring mine along to the january brands stages.


edscott's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:16
Awards Return

As the awards are going to be the January Clubnight, I would prefer to have the trophies back sooner rather than later as they need to go to the engravers for the 2012 winners to be added.

If you can return them as soon as you can it would be appreciated. Brands Hatch Stages, which is Sat 13th, less than a week before the awards night, so that's the absolute latest if you cant return them beforehand.

They can be returned to the december clubnight, or any committee member, or into Hutton Kitchens shop Billericay.

Thanks Suze, the trophy given to Gary will make its way to us at the next clubnight..


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