19/20 July

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TonyM's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T17:39:51
19/20 July

Ellen Tilney / Colin Sutton
/ Rob Henchoz
... are doing the Ross Traders:

Kevin Fisher
Jordan Southgate
Daren Hall
Andy Donn
Richard Nel
jonathan williams
Rebecca Styles
Martin Styles
Luis Gutierrez Diaz
Duncan Christmas
John Peterson
... are doing the ECMC Autosolo/Autotest at Woodbridge on Sunday:

There is also a sprint at Woodbridge:

minispaniard's picture
Joined: 2011-11-29T21:05:13
woodbridge miss

I´m afraid I won't be at Woodbridge this Sunday for the ECMC autosolo. I have already notified Tony Burchnall and apologised, I feel genuinely sorry to miss his event after all the support/advice he has given me since I started in this motorsport thing...

Sutnav's picture
Joined: 2012-01-25T11:20:00
I will spare my driver's

I will spare my driver's blushes by not explaining the method of our DNF. Good news is my diagnosis was better than the AA man's, and all that is required is a new driveshaft not a new gearbox, so we should be up and running this week.

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