Borough 18 Motor Club/ Weald Motor Club - 12 Car

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SuperUno's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T18:05:15
Borough 18 Motor Club/ Weald Motor Club - 12 Car

A chance to play south of the River :-

Borough 18  Motor Club/ Weald Motor Club
12 Car Rally
10th   October  2014
50 miles of  superb North Downs roads.
Compact route on maps   177 and 188
Start/ Finish:   Crown Point Inn.   Seal Chart                                     
7pm for 8pm Start
£10  entry.    Rally insurance available on the night.
Novices will be given all the route cards at the start. 
Expert navigation will be straightforward but will require accurate plotting.   ( No tracing paper required!)
Entries to: Roger McKenzie (01732 884312)  
If you are unable to enter, then please come along and help with marshalling.
Marshals please contact:  Dave Clark   01474 833496 (home)
(work) 07967 627833       e-mail:
paulbrewerton's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T23:04:51
Weald 12 car Rallies

The regs are here.

Public file attachments: 

SuperUno's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T18:05:15
Just as a reminder,

Just as a reminder, Chelmsford MC is a member of Weald MC so no need to join another club just to do one of the Weald MC 12 Cars.

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