Rally Marshals in East Anglia on Facebook

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minispaniard's picture
Joined: 2011-11-29T21:05:13
Rally Marshals in East Anglia on Facebook

Last week I started a FB page called 'Rally Marshals in East Anglia'. I created it with the intention of helping organisers to get marshals for their events and for marshals to share their experiences in order to encourage new people to join in.

It is mainly aimed at marshals but competitors, most of us marshal from time to time, or any other is more than welcome.

Being quite unambitious only Rally and East Anglia is in the title but I can't see why other related events(trials, autosolos/tests...) and from further afield couldnĀ“t be listed.

As it happens with FB, the more likes it gets the more the word will be spread, so if you can give it a like and a share it will be really appreciated.

Also, thanks Andy for sharing your pics of marshals with me smiley

a direct link to the FB page here:https://www.facebook.com/rallymarshalseastanglia

