Spare remote control car for Rally Club?

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Joined: 2012-10-18T21:50:55
Spare remote control car for Rally Club?

If anyone has a remote control car tucked away in a loft or garage which doesn't get used any more, would you mind donating or lending it to KEGS Motorsport - the rally club I have set up at our school?   My idea being that apart from training up students on 12 car navigation, we could also have a go at some Targa style events using cones and a remote control car.   It would need to have reasonable handling to be able to go round cones but the range/distance wouldn't need to be too big as the students could walk near it. But you would also need to be prepared that there might be the odd crash or two!    If anyone thinks they could help me out on this one please do let me know at  lfryer"at"
