Javalin's Jumbo Targa Rally - Marshals needed!

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Joined: 2012-10-18T21:50:55
Javalin's Jumbo Targa Rally - Marshals needed!

Just over a month to go and we only have ~10 marshals signed up.....please could you get in touch by email with Lucy if you are intending to come and help.   

     or via the sign up page on the website.

Competitors will only be able to compete if there are enough marshals - so if you are entering the event please see if you can persuade some friends along to marshal to enable the event to take place.

Food vouchers for all marshals and prize draws too (£50 1st place, 5x £10 runner up prizes).

jimbowie's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:14
Wethersfield Targa Marshals 24 April- MORE PLEASE

This event is in 10 days and we need more marshals please.


We will need names and car registration numbers for base security reasons so please contact Lucy asap.

The entry is full with lots of reserves.  Could some of the reserves please consider marshalling. Free lunch & prize draw.

A lot of holes were filled at Wethersfield last Saturday by a sterling team of workers with particular thanks going to John Conboy and Dean Clayton ( a landscaper should you need one)  but also to Paul Brewerton , Matt Endean , Antons Kuzenko , Ken Shields & Luis Diaz.

The set up team for the 23rd is sorted with several new members & students being guided by some old hands. Dont be shy about volunteering to help on our events.




Joined: 2012-10-18T21:50:55
Marshals only - no spectators!

This is just a reminder (or information people new to the sport) that no spectators are allowed on the Wethersfield venue and that you need to be registered in advance (by Tuesday at the latest) to ensure you can access the site for the Targa. This is due to it being a Military of Defence site.

I will also take the opportunity to remind folks that no photography is allowed anywhere on the venue (again due to it being MOD) except by the official photographer. Please respect this ruling so as not to put our use of the site in jeapordy!

More marshals would be welcome to make the event less stressful - please use the form on the webpage linked from the homepage.   Thank you!

(Information for those registered will be emailed out mid week - probably Thursday)

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