12 Car Rallying Discussion - 21st July BBQ / awards evening

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12 Car Rallying Discussion - 21st July BBQ / awards evening

The dust has now settled on an eventful 2015/16 12 car winter series and the awards will be presented at the club's annual (free) barbecue on Thursday 21st July. All members and hangers on are welcome.

As we look forward to the next season the committee would welcome suggestions for further improving an already thriving formula. To get the ball rolling there will be an informal discussion hosted by Paul Brewerton. This will be followed up in August with one or more review meetings to formalise any proposals for presentation to committee in September.

The committee has already decided to run a 20/20 on a Saturday evening in October in place of one of the regular 12 car events - Colin Sutton will be organising this new event and of course CMC members are invited to Weald, AMSC and CSMA 12 car rallies in the wider region. The successful inter-club 20/20 will also be run again in January (also on a Saturday next year).

John Conboy's development programme during the last few years has been well received and has helped some beginners gain experience for their first few events and next month Paul Brewerton will be running a regularity 12 car on a Sunday morning, aimed at crews in both historic and modern cars.

The committee is keen that CMC 12 cars continue to be aimed at less experienced rally competitors and recognise that adjustments may be needed to the class structure to optimise the competitive balance of the events whilst also exposing navigators to a variety of forms of navigation.

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Joined: 2006-11-25T23:04:51
12 car discussion

Unfortunately I will be on holiday that week so someone else from committee will host the discussion.

Paul Brewerton

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