Quality of OS maps

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Joined: 2012-10-18T21:50:55
Quality of OS maps

Hi all

I received another batch of 167s today (for rally club at school) and in looking through them noticed some issues with the printing of yellow roads - in places it fades to an almost white colour (when clearly a yellow road as ascertained by looking at the stretch of road either side). I was just wondering if anyone else had noticed any issues recently with the quality? Obviously this sort of thing could have an impact on our sort of events in the future so am intending to raise it with OS but thought I'd ask on here first. I'd had a custom made map printed a couple of months ago and wasn't impressed with the quality of that (a sort of blurry aspect to it).

Would just be useful to know if anyone else had spotted this as an issue on any other OS maps? Thanks!

paulbrewerton's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T23:04:51
New OS maps

I've just checked the navigation for the January Jaunt on a colour photocopy of the newest 167 and there are a few examples of what you mention Lucy. I'd recommend navigators to bring a previous (but still recent) version with them to check if the plotted route takes them down what might appear to be a white when using the newest map. I'll be buying new versions of 154, 155, 167 and 168 shortly for planning the EAC and will let you know if this issue is restricted to 167 or is more general.


Joined: 2012-10-18T21:50:55

Thanks for that Paul - it only seemed to be in certain areas - the one I was working off last night was particularly the sort of Roxwell area and a bit north of it. Do let me know if you come across it on others but good to know (in a way - a shame about OS though) it isn't just my batch of maps.

Joined: 2010-01-30T20:24:47
I too noticed this, the

I too noticed this, the yellow wasn't quite what it should be.

I always used to cross check on the OS website (now sadly not acvailable so I have taken advantage of the free digital copy on the iPad app and will cross check Feb 12-car on that. Not something you can do during an event obviously.

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