Jan Jaunt 12-Car Fri 22nd January 2021

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Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:16
Jan Jaunt 12-Car Fri 22nd January 2021

Well, here we are again approaching the end of the year, the Preston is over, and we can begin to think about CMC motorsport for the coming year. I think most of us will be glad to see the back of 2020, but let's be positive and hope 2021 will not be blighted in the same way. 

Talking of the Preston, Owen was beaten into second place, (by only a few seconds though), so there's hope for us all! I feel I must pay tribute to our dedicated and hard working Chairman who sorted out all the marshalling issues in the days and hours before the event, and after the start as well. A pretty stressful time I would have thought, but all handled calmly and decisively to make the event run smoothly. I see there was a high rate of retirements this year, I wonder what the rate would have been if the cancelled sections were run!

Anyway, on to the Jan 12-Car being run on Friday 22nd. Starts same place as last year, and we will be using a mistake by the OS and using a road not marked on the latest map; navigators please note. Regs will be published early in the new year. Please note that club membership cards for 2021 will be required as will an RS Clubmans (or higher grade) comp licence from Motorsport UK; organise both this week! The RS Clubmans licence is free so you only need to pay the club membership fee which is cheap!

Seasons greetings to all, and may 2021 be a peaceful and better year for us all.


Chris & Andy


Sutnav's picture
Joined: 2012-01-25T11:20:00

All the best to both of you for Christmas.

You can put Ellen and I down for our usual couple of controls.


Joined: 2006-11-25T17:39:51
jan 12 car

im looking for a navigator for this years championship. having spent most of 2020 building a new car i didnt get to use it on the preston. im looking to do some targas and 12 cars but im open to anything. 

Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:16
Jan Jaunt 12-Car: CANCELLED

As indicated on the club's events list, the Jan Jaunt 12-Car on 22 January has been cancelled, for obvious reasons. Hopefully the current restrictions will be lifted sooner than we might expect, and may 2021 prove to be a better year for motorsport.

Andy and Chris

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