Weald MC 12 Cars - Update

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Weald MC 12 Cars - Update

An update from Weald MC

12 Car Challenge update January 2021

It is with regret that we at Weald have taken the decision to cancel the series in its present form for the 20 - 21 season. There has been, as you are all well aware, severe problems with getting events to run virus free and safe.

Also, permits are gained and lost in the blink of an eye by government actions and Motorsport UK doing what is best for the continuance of our, already under pressure, sport.

However, we are not saying here that none of this seasons events will run and, we will support any club with obtaining permits and insurance cover should they wish to run the events on current dates under their own clubs name. Feel free to get in touch with us if you would like to discuss this.

There are factors here on which this decision has been made, and we agree it’s not the ideal situation, but we must at all levels be seen to take necessary actions for the health and safety of the entire community. Duty of care is how we perceive this, with organisers, marshals, competitors and residents all at risk. If we flout the fragility of our sport for a quick fix now we face the loss of road rallying in the south east and possibly the whole of the country. Imagine the press getting hold of the fact we are running through residential areas when the people are restricted by tiers and lockdowns. It would only take one serious complaint from a knowledgeable resident as happened back in 2006, with a local road event, for the fan to be directed at our area again. The current rally liaison officer for Kent has managed to claw back use of sensitive areas and we would like to keep hold of those and try to expand them with judicial monitoring.

We have put a proposed dates calendar below for the 21-22 12 car challenge which I hope will show our continued support of this series.

Dave Clark

Weald MC


07967 627833


The 2021 - 202Weald 12 Car Rally Challenge

A series of NINE 12 Car Rallies which will comprise the following events:

Friday, 24th September 2021 (Southern Promotion)

Friday, 22nd October 2021 (Borough 18 Promotion)

Friday, 19th November 2021 (Sevenoaks Promotion)

Friday 10th December 2021 (Blackpalfrey Promotion

Friday, 21st January 2022 (Maidstone Promotion)

Friday, 11th February 2022 (Guildford Promotion)

Friday, 4th March 2022 (Eastbourne Promotion)

Friday, 25th March 2022 (Bexley Promotion)

Friday, 22nd April 2022 (Croydon Promotion)

This booklet contains the Supplementary Regulations and an Entry Form for all rounds of the Challenge.