East Anglan Classic 17th June - Final call for marshals

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Matt Endean
Joined: 2006-11-25T18:05:15
East Anglan Classic 17th June - Final call for marshals

First of all thank you to all those who have volunteered to marshal this year. We are doing quite well but could still do with another half dozen or so marshals to be comfortable that all positions are adequately covered. We have noted that several of our 'regulars' haven't signed up yet foir this year and would dearly love to see them out on Saturday 17th.

If you want to register please go to https://mtc1.uk/Marshals/EAC23/MarshalForm.php and if you have registered then please sign on at https://mtc1.uk/Marshals/EAC23/MarshalSignOnLogin.php

Looking forward to working with you on Saturday 17th June.

Jim Bowie/Amy Conboy - Chief Marshals