22/23 March

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TonyM's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T17:39:51
22/23 March

We have the March Hare 12 Car on Friday:

David Edwards/Colin Sutton
John King
... are doing the HERO Challenge One:

Tim Sayer is doing the Blackpalfrey March Regularity Run:

Matt Endean is doing the SOCC March PCA:

March Hare 12 Car
Name In Class Overall
George Hendry 1 1
Ray Crowther 1 1
Luis Gutierrez-Diaz 1 2
Lucy Fryer 1 2
Jim Drake 1 3
Colin Skoyles 1 3
Mike Helm 2 4
Colin Wake 2 4
Jamie Ruffle 2 5
Louis Statham 2 5
Trevor Suckling 3 6
James Suckling 3 6
Curtis Jacoby 1 7
Dexter Jacoby 1 7
BMC March Hare 12 Car
Name In Class Overall
Simon Fuidge 3 3
HERO Challenge One
Name In Class Overall
John King 1 2
David Edwards 5 48
Colin Sutton 5 48
SOCC March Autotest
Name In Class Overall
Matt Endean 4 4
BMCK Mar Reg Run
Name In Class Overall
Tim Sayer 8 8
Joined: 2013-10-23T12:36:43
March Hare 12-car

Thanks to the Organisers and efficient Marshals for Friday's March Hare 12-car.  Most interesting lanes and navigation that got Crow thinking several times .  And - perhaps - best of all, another clean sweep for the Honda Jazz ! Who would have thought it - a Jazz secures two rally wins, with no time penalties and I didn't miss a single code board. There's life in the old dogs yet (hich includes the car) !

Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:14
Detailed Results

Well done George & Crow!

Here's a detailed breakdwon of the results.



Crow's picture
Joined: 2007-03-16T23:24:23
My Personal Report

Seven crews started (two non-starters) Chelmsford Motor Club’s March Hare 12-Car Rally. My usual amazement that the March Hare didn’t attract a full entry given the low cost, low risk, much fun nature of such events. Credit to the organisers for putting on a splendid well-marshalled outing which I know requires considerable effort, admin and herding of resources. Long may they be devoted to providing competitive entertainment for the benefit of others.

I was entered with George Hendry as, again, the only Master crew, a repeat of last year’s outing including the loan of my wife’s well-scuffed and 140,000 mile Honda Jazz - the Jazz, since George’s MX5 only emerges from SORNed hibernation in April. Not that the car really matters; as long as it is road legal and is capable of reaching the national speed limit (when safe to do so) on country lanes, it’s game on. With sections set at no more than 30mph, this is easy to maintain as long as the navigation doesn’t confuse, you don’t get lost, and you don’t get baulked by Friday evening traffic. Such advice will hopefully get to those thinking that a navigational road rally couldn’t be attempted without a prepared speed machine being necessary.

The start was compromised when scrutineering in Danbury Park Community Primary School’s car park was joined by documentation since the Bell PH over the road failed to open. So, camaraderie took place in the open on a fortunately dry, albeit chilly, Friday evening. I was decidedly nervous when I collected my sealed navigation envelopes since the top right corner was flagged as “Master”. Was this to be another (following the Shotley Peninsula 12-car) form of devious navigation just for the only master crew on the event? As we waited at TC1 to lead the field away, the marshal said “Don’t worry”, there was no Master-Malice as the route cards were the same as the Experts. Whew!

The navigation was perfect. No errors, and a classic mixture of techniques without resorting to trickery, all plottable with care and little puzzlement or delay as an envelope was opened. One idea I hadn’t seen for a while was a series “RRBBTTRB”.  Red, Brown roads with T-junctions? No, just a different way of leaving grid squares: Right, Bottom and Top. The only pedantry was the occasional map reference which had to be plotted very accurately to ensure the correct loops were traversed.

The dry start didn’t last long when drizzle set in, but the well-chosen roads were mostly clear of traffic. A kind of anti-clockwise route skirted the villages/towns of Little Baddow, Sandon, the Hanningfields. South Woodham Ferrers, Stow Maries, Cock Clarks, Woodham Mortimer, Woodham Walter and back to Danbury. One loop through Cock Clarks brought back memories of the 2023 March Hare that I did with Craig Salter when we had a clean run but for driving past an unseen codeboard on Chimneypot Lane. I mentioned this to George and we were particularly vigilant on this stretch of road.

The finish was at the friendly Cricketers in Danbury, where a pint of (unknown to me) Whitstable bitter went down a treat with crisps and nuts. It was a while before another crew arrived, so I looked over the shoulder of Paul Brewerton as he compared our timecard with the master version. A cold sweat followed as I saw we had missed the last codeboard (MW) of the event! My grief was obvious as tears dripped into my Whitstable; I was mad as a March Hare. This started a discussion amongst the officials, none of whom could remember putting out the board!? Fortunately, it soon became clear that this was a mistake. The intention had been to put this board on a LWRNAM (Long way Round Not As Map triangle) junction near the end of the event. That was odd, since despite the warning in the Final Instructions there were no LWRNAM instructions on any of the route cards! Dilemma resolved, we had actually got round without dropping time or missing codeboards. As George remarked “You’ve got to be blind as a bat, not to spot Chelmsford glow-in-the-dark, well-placed boards”. Hmm … famous last words methinks.

My final name check thanks to all officials and marshals: Graham Robinson, Jane Robinson, Paul Brewerton, Charly Wallace, Tony Michael, Paul Barrett, Mark Andrews, Jim Bowie, Ed Scott, Andy Merchant, Ken Larking, Keith Lane,  Stuart Kingham, Kevin Tilsley, Ben Scott and Karen Scott for their dedication in putting on a super event which appeased the Friday night obsession of the author.

So herewith a roll of honour which we were happy to head.

  1. George Hendry/”Crow” (1M) - 0F 0M
  2. Luis Gutierrez-Diaz/Lucy Fryer (1E) - 0F 10M
  3. Jim Drake/Colin Skoyles (1B) – 0F 11M
  4. Mike Helm/Colin Wake (2E) – 1F 15M
  5. Jamie Ruffle/Lous Statham (2B) – 3F 20M
  6. Trevor Suckling/James Suckling (3B) – 3F 27M
  7. Curis Jacoby/Dexter Jacoby (1N) – 14F 34M
Classic Rally Mini
Joined: 2012-04-16T09:42:52
With Thanks

I would like to thank everyone who helped me through the trials and tribulations leading up to and runing the event on the night, my understanding wife Jane, Paul Barrett, Jim, Tony, Ed, Ben and Paul Brewerton.  They were able to stay positve while I was fretting about what impact the possible closure of 400m of the A414 would do on Friday night. Then seeing Carmagedon when we arrived at the start on Friday didn't bode well.  But they stayed positive and as Crow says above, we all pulled together and the event was underway.

The best part of organising these events is when its over.  To see that all the Crews, Marshals and Officials, make it back to the pub is the best reward.

So many thanks to everyone, the Crews, Marshals and Officials for an enjoyable evenings Motorsport.



minispaniard's picture
Joined: 2011-11-29T21:05:13
March Hare Thanks

There's very little to add after Crow's enjoyable dissertation, other than adding Rich Baker to the Marshals' thanks list. Rich was due to compete but, unfortunately, his navigator got caught in the Heathrow disaster. Rich was spotted marshalling a TC with Keith Lane on the night.

A most enjoyable selection of traffic free, twisty, bumpy and fast lanes.

Thanks all.


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