Halloween 12 car

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Joined: 2006-11-25T17:39:51
Halloween 12 car

entry in and paid via pay pal for pat and stuart

Joined: 2010-04-19T20:08:16
Two Entrys

Very sorry but somehow I have entered myself twice. Its the first time I have used the new system that's my excuse if a poor one. I know what happened I filled out the form and went to the payment page then need to check something and went back to the entry form which somehow created a new entry rather than letting me edit the first entry. If that makes any sense. Anyway the email from Paypal says i have paid against car number 9 so 8 needs to be deleted.  Can someone help with this?

Thanks Mark

paulbrewerton's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T23:04:51
double entry

Hi Mark

Tony M is away doing results for the Devon Classic this weekend, but will sort this out when he gets back.





Joined: 2010-04-19T20:08:16
Double entry

Hi Paul

 I have just had another look and it has already been sorted.

Thanks anyway


Joined: 2006-11-25T17:39:51
12 car feedback

well the first 12 car of the season is over and i for one look forward to the rest of the season. With all the resent issues with pr and complaints i did notice more people on route that looked like they where keeping tabs. I think i also saw the RLO lurking in his Focus at one point. it would be useful to know if we did get any bad feedback from the public or the RLO.

It seems to me that nothing changes the public view of a " rally car " than a pair of spot lights and i just wonder if the use of HID convertions to standard lights would reduce the impact after all a lot of modern cars have them fitted as standard but i guess its the Motorsport UK that say we cant use them.

just a thought

Joined: 2010-01-30T20:24:47

I am guessing the repetition of QZ squares in the finals is just a typo.



Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:14

The second 7807 should be 7708. Well spotted - they've been up since Monday. If in doubt just be quiet!

See you all tomorrow evening. The rain during the day should clear to make it dry for the marshals & DSOs.


Joined: 2010-01-30T20:24:47

I'll keep quiet about the 2nd 7704 then.

Joined: 2010-04-19T20:08:16
Car 1 withdrawn

Hi Paul

Due to a personal emergency last night my navigator has had to withdraw so car 1 will not be running tonight.

Sorry as we where both looking forward to it.

Mark Rutter

Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:14

Thanks for letting us know. I hope everything is OK. We'll refund your fees in a few days.

Joined: 2009-07-25T16:10:08
Hope all is well too Mark,

Hope all is well too Mark,

I'm working until 7pm tonight so Colin will be collecting the Stag and bringing it to the noise test/scrutineering. I reckon I'll be able to get to the Generals myself to sign on by 7:30 to 7:45, hope this is ok?

Joined: 2009-07-25T16:10:08
Thanks to all the organising

Thanks to all the organising team and marshalls for a great evening out.  A good drive and some nice slippery lanes!  We were doing quite well on the beginning and mid sections, but lost main beam somewhere out the Dengie. A quick fiddle at the next time control whilst Colin did some plotting revealed an overheated fuse/carrier - probably due to a corroded connection. My clumsiness in breaking the first replacment fuse and dropping the second, lead to us dropping a minute over that section!  It all went wrong on the last two sections where the time needed to plot the grid refs and figure out a route had us stopped at the side of the roads for a good 5 minutes or so, pushing us down the leaderboard. 

A bit of car maintenance today for me I think!

Sutnav's picture
Joined: 2012-01-25T11:20:00

Well done to Paul and the team, thanks for an enjoyable evening, it was good to get back out again after what seems like ages.  The shorter distance didn't seem to diminish our enjoyment, good lanes and fair nav.

At the risk of kicking a hornets' nest, we do think that the new rules on dipping lights in 30 and 40 mph areas is fraught with danger.  We came across a number of dog walkers and pedestrians and in some places it really is difficult to see.  I wonder if the instruction should be amended to include something like "where it is safe to dip"?  My sensible head wonders about the legal position of having an accident on dip beam where it would have been perfectly lawful to have had main beams on.

Joined: 2010-01-30T20:24:47
At least you had main beams

At least you had main beams to use!

It is interesting to note that whilst CMC is tightening the use of QZ and DIP, the CSMA is relaxing theirs. Just dipped in 30's and pre-advised QZ now.

They have also dispensed with the requirement to stop at a Give Way this year.

HAd a good time last night knocking my backup driver into shape. And were were will on the way to ridding ourselves of the shame of going OTL for the first time ever on our last outing, when the lights went out, literally.

Thanks to Paul and all the marshalls (especially the ones who assited with extra light for the running repairs)




Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:14
Halloween Results

Well done to everyone for getting round last night - it wasn't too scary, as six fail-free crews proved. Well done to Pat Tierney & Stuart Collett for returning a clean sheet. A detailed analysis will be published soon, but here are the scores on the doors:

1st Pat Tierney / Stuart Collet (N)  OF0m

2nd Bradley Howlett / Simon Howlett (N)  0F6m

3rd Eddie Call / Adrian Bragg (E)  0F7m

4th Mike Bishop / Colin Wake (E) 0F13m

5th Ellen Sutton / Colin Sutton (E) 0F21m

6th Kevin Ablitt / Antonia Hodgson (N) 0F29m

7th Rob Russell / Emilie Russell (B) 1F15m

8th Nick White / Rob Galley (N) 1F 31m

9th Tony Burchnall / John Conboy (N)  7F 7m

10th Matthew Baxter / Jake Carter (B) 9F 16m

11th Keith Lane / Julie Lane (N) 14F 8m

DNS Mark Rutter / Rachel Rutter 

minispaniard's picture
Joined: 2011-11-29T21:05:13
very impressive

no fails and/or minutes sounds like an excellent achievement to me...

and it shows how much 12 car crews have come along since I started doing 12 cars only in the 2011-2012 season. I've been just looking at the results from events from that season and, by then, O fails almost secured you an event overall win. Now it's all down to the minutes dropped having the first six cars on no fails...rr

I had an enjoyable evening driving the opening car and, as Colin said, the shorter route didn't detract from the feeling of a full on 12 car event. A nice choice of lanes.

Well done to Paul, all his marshals and all competitors for making it to the finish.

It'll be very busy weeks at the end of November and December but I'll try to put an entry in for the MB. 





Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:14
Map & board left behind at the finish

I've got a map (with orange highlights)  & board plus clips that were left behind at the finish last night. I can bring to club night on 19th November or pass it to someone who'll be at the next event.

Joined: 2009-04-27T13:57:01

Just to echo the above, thanks to marshals and organisers. Our first time out in 3 years and I was rusty rusty on plotting hence losing so much time. Practice practice.....

And to the crew who did it with 0 fails and 0 time loss - very impressive, well done!


Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:14
Halloween Results
paulbrewerton's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T23:04:51

Just for the record my companion at TC4 was not Graham Robinson but my brother Peter, confusing things by arriving in his wife's Fiat 500.





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