22nd November 12 car

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edscott's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:16
22nd November 12 car

Entries are open for the next 12 car on 22nd November. 

Start and finish at Mountnessing. 

Looking for marshals, so if you're available to marshal, drop me an email: ed@ed-scott.co.uk



edscott's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:16
22nd November 12 car

With the November 12 car fast approaching, are there,

Navigators looking for drivers, or

Drivers looking for Navigators to team up for the Novemeber 12 car. 

We have at least one navigator looking for a driver, anyone would like to enter but dont have a navigator.  

Please get in touch and lets get some new teams out in Novemeber.




edscott's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:16
November 12 car

Well a week and half to go and thanks to the many volenteers, we have a full set of marshals

With 10 entries, we have room for two more if anyone wants to put in a last minute entry 

Joined: 2016-04-28T19:55:48
Thanks for last night

Big thank you to the organisers and marshalls from Julie and I and behalf of all the competitors, for a most enjoyable night, We enjoyed the longer but fewer sections and the local traffic, more than usual, were coperative and freiendly. We got to recognise the spot lights of Ben/Steve and Curtis/Crow as they regularly loomed in the rear view mirror and passed cleanly (they both passed us a couple of times but I dont remember ever passing them, some form of Essex time loop!).


edscott's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26T11:14:16
Thanks team for the help

Thank you to all the competitors andall the marshalls who came out last night, all seemed to be in good spirits at the finish. 

Special thanks to Paul Barrett who put all the navigaion and paperwork together for us, without Paul it would not have been possible. Paul Brewerton, Andy and Chris also offered and their assistance on the night was greatly appreciated. 

All seemed to go as planned. We will put the full results online early next week. 

1st o/a Julie and Nick Skuse

2nd o/a Ben Cutting and Steve Cummbers 1st expert

3rd o/a Trevor and James Sucking, 1st Begginer

Ed, Ben and Rich.

Joined: 2012-10-18T21:50:55
Thank you

Thank you to all the organisers and marshals for last night's 12 car, for the long hours it takes to organise, and for the very cold weather the marshals were stood in!

It was a good night for keeping us on our toes...sadly I'm too rusty for it to be as navigationally smooth as I'd like, but the key thing is we enjoyed our evening and had a good run out on nice roads. Thank you and well done to our fellow competitors too....particularly great to see some beginners, and a 'new' novice too.

Classic Rally Mini
Joined: 2012-04-16T09:42:52

Many thanks to Ed, the Officials and all the Marshals for a good night of Motorsport.   A very good route with plenty for the drivers to enjoy.  A good turnout of crews and I hope it continues for the rounds to come in 2025.

Graham and Jim.

TonyM's picture
Joined: 2006-11-25T17:39:51
12 Car Results

Results are now on the Winter Series web page:


And in the championship tables:



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