Chelmsford MC - Club Questionnaire

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Suze's picture
Joined: 2007-06-06T12:29:48
Chelmsford MC - Club Questionnaire

A number of years ago, the committee of Chelmsford Motor Club undertook a review of club activities to understand the wishes of members and to help the club plan for the future. Since then, the club and events, as well as motor sport in the region, have continued to develop and of course we have welcomed many new members.

With that in mind, we'd like to ask you if you could please spare a few minutes to complete the 2015 club questionnaire which can be found at

If you have a 'family' membership you may complete a questionnaire for each family member if you want to.

Chelmsford Motor Club is run by its members for its members and so it is up to all of us to decide what we want and then make it happen!

Many thanks for your ongoing support.

Chelmsford Motor Club

Joined: 2006-11-26T11:25:20
Club Questionaire - Is there going to be any feedback 2 members?

Was there going to be any kind of feedback to this?  I doubt I'm the only one who would like to know what the mood of the members is and where the club is planning to go....  Thanks.

Suze's picture
Joined: 2007-06-06T12:29:48
Yes, but so far I've only had

Yes, but so far I've only had time to prepare feedback for committee (which was last week but we sent apologies for).

It will be created and posted here when I have time.

Suze's picture
Joined: 2007-06-06T12:29:48
Club Questionnaire Feedback

Thank you to everyone who completed the recently circulated club questionnaire. A number of people offered to help organise events in the future and everyone who has offered has now been contacted.

The responses received were useful and helps the club and committee plan for the future, with only one person seeming particularly unhappy with how the club is run. We appreciate the thoughts that people have shared and these will be taken onboard.


To address some of the current themes:

Comments have been received on the club night venue and the venue not being conductive to club nights. The committee will investigate alternative venues, if any member has a suggestion within the area for committee meetings (1st Thurs) and club nights (3rd Thurs) please get in touch.

Expert/beginner only 12 cars or 20/20s – a number of people mentioned wanting events in this format and this is something that both the club and the Anglia Motor Sports Club (AMSC) are investigating – watch this space!

Attending events such as the Suffolk Show and raising club awareness – the club does attend some events such as Go Motorsport Live! East last year at Snetterton and next weekend is at a Wings and Wheels event at Damlyn Hall. If there are any specific events again, please get in touch but volunteers are also very welcome to help provide cars/man stands etc.

Description of marshalling roles on website – marshalling roles and links were already on the website (under the Want to get Involved?) section but additional information on officials roles has been added.

Talks/activities at club nights – being investigated. Any volunteers to organise something such as a quiz night are welcome.

Targa rallies – people want to see six events a year. At the beginning of 2015 there were six targa rallies due to be held, organised by a number of clubs, across the region. Unfortunately for various reasons not all have been able to take place but within the region, across clubs, there is a good spread of events. See for more information on events.

Some people have asked for grass autotests/autosolos/etc to be run by Chelmsford MC. A number of other clubs in the area run these events and therefore as a club, CMC does not currently intend to run these. To find details of clubs who run these events in the area, the AMSC and regional association websites are a good start. Remember, your CMC membership allows you to compete on events with AMSC or Weald MC as an invited club.

Create a club YouTube channel to publicise club events/show what happens on club events/showcase members’ exploits – this is set up and will be run by Matt Endean, please contact him with any videos. The channel is at: 

A dinner dance/more formal occasion has been suggested for awards etc – again please watch this space as 2016 is the club’s anniversary and planning is in the early stages…


The above covers the main themes/comments received and as a club and committee, what is happening to try and give people more of what they want and to move the club forward.

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